
Beautiful Artwork for our Staff Area - Thank you Tarvin Primary School!

We recently reached out to several of the local Primary Schools to ask if they would be interesting in decorating some canvasses to help brighten up the areas used by ours, and Drs Adey and Dancy's staff in our Tarporley Surgery. 

We received an extremely positive response, and today we collected the first set of canvasses from Tarvin Primary School. They were presented to us by the Year 3 Teacher Mr Peers and the children, who had all had a hand in designing and decorating. 

The artwork the children have produced is absolutely fabulous, and we were delighted to see the effort and care that they've taken in producing such fine work. 

Photographs to follow.......


PlusBus Service - Your door-to-door accessible transport service

Travel around West Cheshire and beyond for £6 return. 

If you find public transport difficult to use, then the PlusBus Service from ECT in Cheshire could be just what you've been looking for. 

The driver will pick you up at your door and drop you safely home again afterwards. 

Before you can book PlusBus journeys, you'll first need to register. It's quick and easy to do - either online at or call 0151 357 4420.

You can then call or email to book a journey, bookings can be made between 48 hours and a week in advance. 

The PlusBus serves areas like Waverton, Tarvin and Tarporley and can help you reach your appointments with us and at hospitals like Arrowe Park and Clatterbridge.

Blister Pack Recyling

Next time you visit our Tarporley Branch, please feel free to bring any of your old Blister Packs that you'd like to be recycled. 

Blister packs are not recycled by your local Council in curb side collections so would end up in landfill. Please make use of our recycling box to help us with our move towards our community being as environmentally sustainable as possible. 

RSV Vaccine

From 1st September 2024, those who turn 75 and those aged 75 to 79 will be eligible for a free vaccine to protect them from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

RSV is an infectious disease of the airways and lungs. RSV infection often causes symptoms similar to a cold including:

  • cough
  • sore throat
  • sneezing
  • a runny or blocked nose

It can also make you become wheezy or short of breath and lead to pneumonia and other life-threatening conditions. There is no specific treatment, and most infections will get better by themselves. Each year thousands of older adults need hospital care for RSV, and some of them will die. RSV can be more severe in people with medical conditions such as heart or lung disease or a weakened immune system. 

RSV infection is common in young children but is most serious for small babies and for older people. For more information please visit the NHS Website RSV vaccine - NHS (

How to get the RSV Vaccine - The Surgery will contact you when you are due your vaccine. 

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